​INPS-AD offers a K-12 American-based curriculum that is aligned to the Common Core standards (California State Standards) for English, Mathematics, Physical Education and Art. The INPS-AD uses the New Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as the basis for curriculum design in Science. The Design and Technology (D&T) curriculum is based on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards. In KG and Primary, the D&T curriculum, is integrated with subjects. In Middle School it integrates powerful STEM/STEAM learning into the classroom. In High School we focus on the most important skills including coding, App development and Engineering design. The INPS-AD follows the Ministry of Education standards and curriculum for Arabic, Islamic, Arabic Social studies & Moral Education. The school offers Arabic, Islamic and Arabic Social Studies for Non-Arab students.
All subjects offered are compulsory for all students in K-8. The instructional time for each subject is aligned with the MOE and the American Curriculum requirements. As students move into the High School, the INPS-AD offer a variety of mandatory and elective courses that are designed to allow students the flexibility to nurture their abilities and interests. The INPS-AD offers courses that help students stream-line their academic choices to support their university course of study and career options. A minimum of 28 credits are required for graduation from INPS- AD. For more details, please review the High School Program of Studies booklet.

The INPS-AD curriculum is enriched with various resources including digital resources to promote authentic, independent and inquire-based learning. Through cross-curricular links, performance skills, and co-curricular activities we aim to provide a richer, deeper learning experience for all students. We aim at constantly providing guidance and support for all learners across all grade levels. Our wellbeing and career university preparation programs are implemented during our weekly advisory sessions. The curriculum also integrates a range of competences and values that are designed to assist students develop their 21st Century skills and be prepared for the future.